The trouble with Mads Mikkelsen

 First and most importantly, this is not a hate piece about Mads. I have nothing against the guy, I have never watched any of his work nor I know anything about his life. This is about the problematic of him saying this: 

 At first, it may sound innocent, but it isn't. I'll tell you why: Johnny Depp was ABUSED by Amber Heard. Not only is Mads wishing an abuser well, but he is also trampling on logical thinking for the simple fact that, being an abuse victim, it is in Johnny's best interest that Amber lose the VA trial and pay for defaming him for all these years, Mads cannot wish them both the best if the best for Johnny is not the best for Amber. 
 The reaction the public had was divided between those who criticize Mads and those defending him (And I won't even venture into those who believe AH). Some defending Mads claimed that the guy was not at fault, he didn't fire Depp. Others attested to the guy's character saying he's a nice guy (even though even "nice" guys f*ck up,but I'm not getting into that, I don't know him). Those people seemed to be unaware to how Mads's words could hurt victims.  I'll tell you how from my experience as a sexual assault survivor. I can only tell from MY experience and if any survivor has a different view on this or even want to share your feelings, you are welcome. But I must warn you before you proceed, I'll be telling my story, I'll try to not be so graphic but it may happen since I'll be describing my feelings and etc, this may be triggering for some, if that is the case please, don't put yourself in distress, stop reading if you feel you must: 

TW // Rape. 

 I was in high school and I had this english teacher everyone seemed to like. He was funny,  "cute" to all the 16 year old girls in the class and a "stand out" guy in all the boys minds. Once, I was leaving school and I needed to get somewhere before lunch, I was supposed to walk but I was already late and there was no way I was gonna get there walking. This teacher noticed my distress and asked me what was wrong. I told him the entire story and he offered to drive me there. I accepted. 
I was 16. He was 38. 
We were talking normally, until I noticed he was driving elsewhere. I asked him about it and he made some excuse about a shortcut. Then he stopped the car.  I had no idea where we were, when I turned to ask him, he forced himself on me. I remember feeling ice cold, I remember not knowing what to do at first and kinda complying, but more out of shock then anything. Then, he wanted to take things further, my stomach clenched inside of me,all I could manage to do was to repeatedly say "no". Everytime I tried to get away from him, he'd forcebly pull me towards him, claiming that we'd lose an amazing experience if I didn't do what he wanted.  
 After some moments, I gave in. I thought "f*ck it, I'm here already. What did I expect would happen?" and I did as he asked. At first, I counted the seconds, waiting for it to stop. But then, I realized it wouldn't be as quick as I expected, so I gave up on that too and just let him do whatever he wanted with me.  He finished and the same tissue he used to clean himself, he gave to me to do the same. 
 This happened seven years ago. 
 Ever since then, this guy has run for city councilor at least three times (if not more) and founded his own language school. And I have been diagnosed with BPD, PTSD, anxiety and depression. I have struggled (and still do) with self harm and suicidal thoughts ever since, I actually tried once. 
 I have to live with PTSD, I have to live with the constant reliving of my trauma at the slightest trigger. I can actually feel as my body goes numb, how a scream gets stuck in my throat and almost suffocates me, the same despair I felt when it actually happened. And I have to act as if nothing happened, because in reality, at the moment I have the flashback, nothing did. Sometimes it happens when I'm having fun with my friends and I kinda mastered the ability to at least sound "normal" so I don't ruin their fun (but they almost always notice it).  
 I once had an anxiety attack so severe, I dropped to the floor during one of my classes, hyperentilating. I blacked out and woke up again with paramedics looking down at me and both my arms hard as sticks and my hands pulled inward in some type of hook shape. I had a respiratory alkalosis caused by being unable to breathe properly thus CO2 drops dangerously in the body which in turn cause's muscular spasms, thus the twisted arms. I could have died if help had taken too long.  
 While I have to live and deal with the effects of the trauma and all the packages given to me by it, my rapist gets told FREQUENTLY how much of a nice guy he is. People wishing him all the best,  the ONE time I tried to get my story out, I was shut down as the crazy one.  So, I'm crazy and they wish him the best.  

 Now, the same thing happened to Johnny Depp. His abuser punched him, chased him, mocked him, spat on him, burnt him with a cigarrete, cut off his finger with a vodka bottle and then turned the story around and called him the "crazy", "drug fueled" abuser, running her little smear campaign and Mads come out to say he wish "them" the best.  No, Mads, you can't wish "them" the best. In saying "them" you are including Amber and Amber is the abuser.  
 And to all of you trying to say "Oh but he doesn't know about the case!" or "He is not obligated to know about it", well, yeah he isn't. Do you guys know what we do when we don't know about something? We don't comment on it. You know why we don't comment on it? Because misinformed and biased opinions disguised as neutrality hurts actual survivor's feelings.  No survivor should see someone wishing an abuser "the best".  


PS: The layout settings are still messed up cause I'm still trying to figure out how blogger works. 
PS2: If at some point the text is not clear, I apologize. English is not my native language. 
